#043-Rare JG Anschutz 4mm long trainer rifle in excellent condition. Has almost perfect blueing & very good wood with a couple of small repaired dings but overall very good. This is a very rare rifle as production was very low. This rifle also has a very rare trainer sighting device which allowed the instructor to view the sight picture of the trainee > only found in books very hard or impossible to find or duplicate in any condition. Clean 4mm bore
* See John Speed’s “Mauser Smallbore Target & Training Rifles” P182 Fig 435. $2700
#133 – Nice MAS 45 assembled from Mauser parts left over after the war. Mauser Banner on reciever & Fab/Mas Mod 45A rarer than MAS 45’s built after the war by French . Super clean bore. Original sling import marked. $1200 SOLD

#036 – Very nice BSW Mod W 625 B .22 trainer Unusual as it has shooting award plaque on right side of the stock “Klein kaliber Meisler Klasse” dated 1940. The plaque is approx 2.5″ diameter with very good enameling still remaining. Rifle has excellent blue & although the stock has some dings which have been filled professionally & does not detract from overall condition. Rifle still has instructor’s RARE sighting device which allows him to view trainee’s sight picture.The DSW 625 B were a fairly low production rifles and few exist in this condition. Very rare with shooting award. Bright shiny bore! Original sling $2750
#042 – Very Good MAS45 .22 trainer assembled post war in France blueing & wood very good. These are very high quality guns assembled form parts from the Mauser Factory. Bright bore, period sling,some small scratches on metal finish. Overall very good to excellent condition. it is Import marked. Very nice overall $700 SOLD

#025-Mauser/Gustloff KKW Training Rifle that has keen “Sporterized” stock was cut down on forearm & upper handguard removed. Stock nicely stamped with “SAd.NSDAP” on left side of stock. Barrel action and rest of rifle standard military issue. Easily restored with military stock. Bore shiney & bright. $600 SOLD

#122-Excellent example of Duetches Sport model Mauser Training Rifle made in 1934 by a subcontractor “Waffenstadt” of Suhl. Full story on this manufacturer in John Speed: “Mauser small bore target & training rifles” Pages 252-253. Rifle has very good blueing & stock with some small dings & scratches. Rare variation of the DSM-34. Bright shiny bore & has rod. Overall Very Nice !! $1900
#028-Near perfect example of an MS420B 5 shot .22 sporter. All original with excellent blueing & stock. Would be hard to upgrade! Rare rifle due to low production numbers (14,000). Very collectible sporter Mauser Banner on receiver & stock imprint . $1950
#037-Very nice example of the Mauser ES350B Championship rifle in excellent original condition. Stock has some very small dings but is in overall very nice with good checkering. Has original sling. Barrel marked ES350 & CH51 which is correct. Bore is bright and shiny. Hard to upgrade! Best of Germany in 1936. See Jon Speed’s book “Small bore and training rifles” Page 102 $2500
#062-Rare DSM34 with Gerrard 2.5x scope model J. Rifle in very good overall condition with stock showing use with small dings & scratches. Blueing 90% range. Scope in the white with clear optics. Mounts & scope match rifle serial number. Hard to find sniper trainer. Bright shiny bore! $2200 SOLD

#143-Excellent condition model DSM34 made in late 1934 according to serial number. Hard to upgrade for a Duetches sport model 34. Great wood with some small dings. Has original sling. Good shiny bore. $1800 SOLD

#064-Late made ES340N Mauser improved series. Rifle in very good overall condition with excellent bluing & wood. Scope is unknown & unmarked which looks to be @ 2.5-3x single post reticle. This rifle shows the later dated features of the ES340N as described in John Speeds Mauser Small bore Sporting Target & Training Rifles pp25-29. Nice overall condition with sling. $800 SOLD

#063-Very rare original MM410B .22 magazine Fed sporter. Lightweight sporter (6.1 lbs) has factory installed Mauser mounts with a excellent condition Zeiss Zielklein scope with perfect optics these were of the highest grade sporting rifles offered by Mauser during the pre 1940 & early 1940 period. Has very nice original sling. Wood is very good with some small dings & scratches none which detract. Hard to upgrade. Very collectible due to it’s low production numbers. Text book example as shown in John Speeds: “Mauser Small Bore Sporting Target & Training Rifles” pp 89-95. Has period leather scope carrying case. Mauser marked original clip. The bore is excellent. $3900